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Loan Program Stats

Infrastructure Ontario’s Loan Program has provided municipalities, universities and other eligible public sector and non-profit organizations with access to affordable long-term financing for hundreds of infrastructure projects across Ontario.

The following information provides a summary of borrowing activity for each sector and region. 

Sector Stats

Approved Amount No. of Projects No. of Clients
Aboriginal Health Access Centres $7,105,807.00 1 1
Community Health & Social Services Hub $27,882,000.00 5 5
Housing Providers $1,867,575,140.97 125 41
Local Services Boards $3,518,621.59 19 8
Long-term Care Homes and Hospices $406,472,552.55 36 27
Municipalities $9,773,941,172.36 3,452 333
Municipal Corporations $948,537,320.33 121 40
Non-Profit Arts $136,217,023.20 6 5
Non-Profit Sports and Recreation $116,059,418.00 5 3
University & College $273,696,300.00 14 5
TOTAL $13,561,005,356.00 3,784 468

Regional Stats

Approved Amount No. of Projects No. of Clients
Central $4,413,222,989.82 368 85
Eastern $3,967,015,927.19 1,241 134
Northern $1,456,425,679.04 780 117
Southwestern $3,724,340,759.95 1,395 132
TOTAL $13,561,005,356.00 3,784 468

As of January 9, 2024