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Roles and Responsibilities 

Ministry of Government and Consumer Services (MGCS)

The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services owns the transmission corridor lands on behalf of the Province and provides strategic program management for the Provincial Secondary Land Use Program (PSLUP).

Infrastructure Ontario 

IO, on behalf of MGCS, is responsible for the execution of all secondary land use agreements on the corridor lands, subject to the technical approval of Hydro One. IO will not agree to permit a secondary use that Hydro One has determined may negatively impact or interfere with transmission capacity, reliability, or safety. IO is also responsible for securing any necessary municipal planning and/or environmental approvals at the expense of the proponent. 

Hydro One Networks Inc. 

Hydro One is the first point of contact with regard to proposed secondary uses on the corridor lands. Each proposal shall be reviewed on its own merit by Hydro One technical staff and where inter-jurisdictional proposals are submitted, the entire project(s) shall be reviewed against its cumulative (and individual) effect(s). Hydro One may reject any proposal if the proposal interferes with one, several or a combination of the following: safety of the transmission system, maintenance impacts, restoration, system reliability and system expansion. Where it pertains to linear or non-linear proposals for secondary uses on hydro corridors, whether submitted by public or private interests, Hydro One’s technical review of all uses and proposals will be one of the determining factors as it relates to the approval of these uses by IO.


Municipalities will provide proponents of secondary use proposals with guidance and information advising as to whether or not a proposal conforms to, or complies with, municipal planning documents. In some cases, municipalities will also be given an option to provide comments to IO on any interests they may have in a private secondary use application within their jurisdiction.