Our Approach to Transparency
Our approach on all projects is to balance transparency with commercial confidentiality. All disclosure of information to the public is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).
We regularly issue a Market Update, commonly referred to as IO’s project pipeline, which highlights future projects that are at the planning stage.
Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) are issued via www.merx.com, which invite interested companies to submit their qualifications for a project.
Our website provides detailed information regarding each of our P3 projects (see Infrastructure Ontario Projects), including project descriptions, announcements and related documentation. Each project page also includes:
- RFP documents for P3 projects, for information purposes
- Contract values for each P3 project (note that, as of May 2014, the published Contract Value represents the payment(s) to be made by the project sponsor as defined in the Project Agreement, without adjustment for inflation.)
- Confirmation of the winning bidder
- Project agreements (note that commercially sensitive information is redacted)
Questions? Please visit our Contact Us webpage.