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Modernization of Property Information Program

Project Type:
Infrastructure Type:
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

About the Project

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) is seeking to modernize its environmental property information process with a new online system to enable the public to access records more efficiently. 

Modernization of this service will support the Ontario government’s More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022 as well as the MECP’s mandate to protect the right to a healthful environment by identifying contaminated land requiring remediation prior to use. 

Currently, the ministry receives over 9,000 property-related freedom of information (FOI) requests under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) per year from the development industry; with over 50 million hard copy property records to scan through, this creates unnecessary delays to access this information. The new system will be designed and built to digitize paper records as well as to automatically scan, retrieve and redact the records for release. 

Latest News

Project Status

  • Request for Proposals Issued (Stage 1): May 31, 2023
  • Request for Proposals Issued (Stage 2): December 14, 2023


  • A two-stage RFP process will identify and then shortlist qualified vendors who will submit proposals for MECP and IO’s review. The selected vendor will be responsible for designing and building the solution and overseeing the delivery of the program on the ministry’s behalf.
  • Developers currently access the information through a fee-based system, which will continue on a cost-recovery basis
  • Support the government’s plan to streamline and digitize environmental property records so that industry can proceed with real estate transactions and development plans faster.
