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Ontario Government Surplus Properties

Long-term planning of the government-owned portfolio centres around preserving Ontario's valued real estate, seeking opportunities to use it in the best and most effective ways, and supporting the government's commitment to footprint reduction by enhancing and selling surplus assets.

Any property within the Infrastructure Ontario managed portfolio that is no longer required for the delivery of government programs and services, is classified as surplus and a disposition process is initiated.

Selling surplus properties:

  • reduces ongoing operating costs;
  • minimizes risks associated with holding properties; and,
  • puts properties back into productive use, benefiting communities and increasing the potential for local economic development.

Further information can be found at:

Status of Surplus Properties

  • To be notified when a property is listed for sale, please sign up for property alerts.

Sales Process for Provincially-Owned Properties

  • Properties that are identified as surplus follow a standard disposition process.