The request for proposals stage has closed for building teams to submit bids to design, build, finance and maintain the new Forensic Services and Coroner's Complex, Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services announced today. 

The Forensic Services and Coroner's Complex will be located at the Downsview Complex in Toronto. The new complex brings together on one site the Office of the Chief Coroner, the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service and the Centre of Forensic Sciences, making collaboration between the units much easier. It will offer the world-class forensic capabilities Ontario needs in the years ahead and will accommodate increased capacity for autopsies and forensic science cases. 

The Forensic Services and Coroner's Complex will add significantly to Ontario's ability to apply innovative science to criminal and public safety investigations. The current location of the Office of the Chief Coroner, the Ontario Forensic Pathology Service and the Centre of Forensic Sciences in Toronto's downtown core does not provide room for expansion.  

The project is targeting Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification. LEED buildings focus on healthy indoor environments, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and efficient use of energy, water and other resources. 

Over the next several months, Infrastructure Ontario and the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services will evaluate the bidders' proposals based on criteria set out in the request for proposals. The successful bidder is expected to be announced in spring 2010 when the evaluation process is complete. The cost of the winning bid will be announced publicly following financial close.

Infrastructure Ontario is working with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services to develop the facility. Infrastructure Ontario is a Crown corporation dedicated to managing some of the province's larger and more complex infrastructure renewal projects - ensuring they are built on time and on budget.

Visit for more information. 


Terence Foran 
Infrastructure Ontario 

Tony Brown 
Communications Branch Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services

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