HAMILTON - Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Metrolinx have issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for interested parties to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the Hamilton Light Rail Transit (LRT) project.

The RFQ outlines the scope of work required for the Hamilton LRT B-Line, which includes:

  • 11 kilometres of new dedicated rapid transit between McMaster University to Queenston Circle 
  • 14 stops along Main Street / King Street corridor with connections to the Hamilton bus network and close to the Hamilton GO Centre station
  • An operations, maintenance and storage facility for the light rail vehicles
  • Procurement of a fleet of light rail vehicles and operations of the system

The Hamilton LRT project is an example of the Ontario government's commitment to invest in priority rapid transit to create an integrated transit system throughout the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The Hamilton LRT will deliver rapid and reliable service along one of Hamilton's busiest transit corridors and enhance direct connections with the regional transit network.

The RFQ is the first step in the procurement process to select a team to deliver the project. IO and Metrolinx will evaluate submissions to prequalify project teams with the relevant experience and financial capacity to deliver a project of this size and complexity. Qualified teams will receive an invite to respond to a Request for Proposals, anticipated in summer 2017.

Interested companies must register with www.merx.com to download the RFQ.

Ontario is making the largest infrastructure investment in hospitals, schools, public transit, roads and bridges in the province's history. To learn more about what's happening in your community, go to Ontario.ca/BuildON.

Quick Facts:

  • The Hamilton LRT project is procured as a Design, Build, Finance, Operate, Maintain contract using IO's Alternative Financing and Procurement (AFP) delivery model. AFP transfers the appropriate risks associated with design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance of the project to the private sector.
  • Projects that are delivered using IO's AFP model have a track record of being 96 per cent on budget and 73 per cent on time or within one month of the scheduled substantial completion date.
  • Metrolinx has been working closely with the City of Hamilton to further advance the Hamilton LRT project and will continue to work in close partnership as the project progresses. 


“Our government has been steadfastly focused on delivering better rapid transit options that will help get Ontario moving. Advancing the planning and design for the proposed A-Line BRT based on public input received through the consultation process, while continuing to move forward with the procurement of the B-Line LRT, is proof that we are committed to making your daily commute and travel faster and more convenient than ever before.”
Steven Del Duca, Minister of Transportation

“This important investment in Hamilton will provide a new way to travel on a fast, efficient and reliable integrated transit system. As part of the largest infrastructure investment in the province's history, this important project will generate economic benefits for the Hamilton area, create jobs, and keep people moving.”
Bob Chiarelli, Minister of Infrastructure

“This is an exciting first step in the Hamilton LRT procurement process. Today marks a significant project milestone and puts Hamilton one step closer to rapid and reliable light rail transit in 2024.”
Bruce McCuaig, President and CEO, Metrolinx

“We look forward to working with Metrolinx and the City of Hamilton to deliver this important transit project to the community.”
Ehren Cory, Divisional President, Project Delivery, Infrastructure Ontario

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Infrastructure Ontario




Lisa DiMenna
Infrastructure Ontario

Anne Marie Aikins