Providence Care is southeastern Ontario's leading provider of specialized mental health care, physical medicine and rehabilitation, specialized geriatric services, complex continuing care, palliative care and long-term care. Affiliated with Queen's University in Kingston, and as a member of the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario, Providence Care is a major centre for health education and research. Providence Care is sponsored by the Catholic Health Corporation of Ontario.
Providence Care Hospital
The new Providence Care Hospital will consolidate services currently provided at St. Mary's of the Lake Hospital (physical medicine and rehabilitation, complex continuing care, palliative care and geriatric medicine) and Mental Health Services (specialized mental health - adult treatment and rehabilitation, geriatric psychiatry and forensic psychiatry).
The new hospital is expected to provide a 270-bed state-of-the-art care environment for patients and clients and a modern, improved work environment for physicians, staff and volunteers. It will be built on a 30-acre lot located at the existing Kingston Provincial Campus, adjacent to the site of the current Mental Health Services facility.
The new hospital will also include single inpatient rooms that meet current infection control standards and adjacent therapy and treatment spaces to allow patients to receive care closer to their rooms. It will also feature on-site clinics for inpatients and outpatients and improved teaching, learning and research facilities that will support Providence Care's role as a major centre for health education and research.
Based on the philosophy form follows function, the facility through both design and integration will enhance workflow processes with strategic technologies that promote the most efficient use of staff resources. It is expected the design will maximize the use of technology to enhance care and improve operating efficiency.
The design and construction of the new hospital will adhere to the guidelines and sustainability principles of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system, with a goal of achieving LEED®Silver certification. LEED® buildings focus on healthy indoor environments, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and efficient use of energy, water and other resources. Planners are looking at ways to encourage a healthy environment within the hospital and on the facility grounds. This means making best use of natural light, outdoor spaces and walkways and workplace wellness.
The new Providence Care Hospital will be a care environment that is:
- Patient, client and family centred - enabling maximum independence and supporting individuals on their journeys of recovery and transition from hospital back to the community.
- A great place to learn - where students, staff and volunteers have opportunities to pursue education and research, and grow in their skills and experiences.
- A great place to work - where staff can collaborate and work effectively in a supportive environment.
- Flexible in its design - so that the new building can meet current and future needs.
- A community asset - environmentally sustainable and welcoming to the public