IO’s Procurement Options Analysis (POA) Methodology
IO developed a Procurement Options Analysis (POA) methodology to help support our project partners in identifying the most appropriate procurement option for delivering major infrastructure projects.
The POA provides a framework for project sponsors to assess the benefits and risks of a capital investment and select a procurement option that is best positioned to achieve the stated objectives and outcomes.
There are four key steps to IO’s POA methodology:
Step 1: Screen Feasible Procurement Options
Examine each option against a number of broader factors that may influence the feasibility of a procurement options.
Step 2: Shortlist Qualitative Evaluation Criteria
Review a pre-established list of qualitative evaluation criteria and select the criteria most appropriate for the project.
Step 3: Weigh Qualitative Evaluation Criteria
POA workshop participants establish the relative importance of criterion by assigning a weighting to each shortlisted criterion.
Step 4: Score Procurement Options Against Criteria
Qualitatively evaluate each procurement option identified in Step 1 against the shortlist criteria in a workshop setting.
Ultimately, the POA methodology should be used as a tool to supplement existing processes and support approvals processes for a given government project. Other factors may be considered in the overall assessment, including broader market and program considerations. Learn more about IO’s delivery models.