Brockville General Hospital Redevelopment Project
- Location:
- Brockville
- Project Type:
- BF- Build Finance
- Infrastructure Type:
- Health Care
- Contract Value:
- $131.2 million
- Estimated Value for Money:
- $13.6 million
About the Project
The project involved the construction of a four-storey addition of approximately 175,000 square feet and approximately 20,000 square feet of renovations. Through the redevelopment, Brockville General Hospital's operations have been consolidated under one roof at its Charles Street campus.
Request for QualificationsJun 18, 2015
Short-list Bidders SelectedDec 15, 2015
Request for ProposalsMay 18, 2017
Winning Bidder SelectedMar 01, 2018
Construction BeginsMar 02, 2018
Construction EndsAug 10, 2020
Latest News
Winning Bidder
- Increased inpatient bed capacity in the Complex Continuing Care, Palliative Care, and Rehabilitation departments
- An expanded Acute Mental Health and Addictions Program
- Relocation of support services and facilities
Community And Green Benefits
- Designed and built to LEED Silver standards in the Canada Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED®) rating system
- Enhanced and active civic presence along Pearl Street
- Six vehicular access points to the Hospital to alleviate traffic congestion
- Integration of sustainable elements including storm water management bio-swales within parking areas, programmed landscape areas and an accessible green roof garden
- New patient spaces include the latest hospital design principles and environmentally-friendly building materials.
Economic Benefits
- Approximately 250 workers were on site daily at the peak of construction.
Terms of Use
These project documents are being made available on this Web site for informational purposes only. Neither Infrastructure Ontario nor Brockville General Hospital makes any representation or warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of the content or form of these documents.
Infrastructure Ontario and Brockville General Hospital, in their sole and absolute discretion, may choose to make available on this Web site amendments, revisions, modifications or replacements to these documents. These documents remain open for further revision, modification, replacement or cancellation by Infrastructure Ontario and Brockville General Hospital at any time and in no event shall either Infrastructure Ontario or Brockville General Hospital be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on the content of these documents.
Related Links
- Request for Qualifications Issued - June 18, 2015
- Shortlisted Bidders Announced – Dec. 15, 2015
- Request for Proposals Issued - May 18, 2017
- Request for Proposals Closed - Oct. 19, 2017
- Preferred Proponent Selected - Jan. 26, 2018
- Financial Close - Mar. 1, 2018
- Better, Faster Access to Health Care Coming to the Brockville Area - Apr. 4, 2018
- Substantial Completion - Aug 10, 2020